Thursday, May 25, 2006

I have to type this myself.

i am so mad ! Muy Mum is suposed tpo help[ me tyupe this, anmd she is way topo buisyu tpo help me, spo I am havboinmg tpo type it myself. As you can see, I am not a very good typist@!@! I don't even thinik I'm going to be able to put up a picture, because I mdon't lknow how. It's veryu wrong that my own Mum doesn't have to time to help me. I am sooo mad ayt her! The reason I can;'t type very mwll is thaty, being a Sock Monkey, I have big round sock paws, and it's really hard to hit the rifgtht lkeys. I am so mad!! This is rotten@! I really reqally6 hope my Mum can come and help me wsoon . I have no idea what she's doing that is keeping her so busy thst she can't spend just a ;little time helping hert own Monty, but whatevert oit its, it'ws sytupoid!!


Kirkham Puppets said...

It is frustrating to type with big round paws, however, it is always good to learn new skills, and I will be speaking with the puppets, particularly the ones with fingers, to see if any of them are writing inclined. They can read your attempts for inspiration! Keep at it...KP

Sock Monty said...

Thankm you mfor thye mencouragement, Miss mPuppets. mMaybe I will get better at typing and not need to rely on my Mum so much.