Sunday, June 18, 2006


helo. mi nam is donky.

i m a frend of monte.

hi iz in sumwayr caled water loo so i m riting on his blog whil hi is gon. i m not az gud at it az hi iz. i m soree abowt it but i wil tri to tel yu abowt 1 uv mi adventurs.

monte waz not ther but mi frend babeta was.

we went to a donky sanchuary. it iz neer gwef and our mum who dosnt drive very gud drov us ther. in thu blu car. i lik ridin on her moterbik beter.

it was hilee and then we got to thu farm and thu donkys wer so nis! we met many other donkys and thay all sed it waz a very nis plas to be.

mum tuk owr picchers.

this is me with purpul flowers.

babeta and me on a fens.

and a very speshul donky paynting. thank yu for reding this

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