Friday, January 27, 2006

sit in the sun & think

Sock Monkeys love to sit in the sunshine; thinking. Mum is often busy, so I sit & think often. I think about how I would rearrange the furniture if I was big enough to move it. I think about fancy meals I would prepare for my family if I wasn't so terrified of the stove. I think about all the letters I should write to people, but I never do it. I think about how I would like to take classes in other languages, but I don't know what languages. I think about my shoes & hats and how I'd like more of them. I think about alternate universes full of fruit. I think about what sort of vehicle I should drive. A bananamobile... a wooden wagon... a motorcycle like my Mum... a marshmallow car like the Subhuman... Maybe I should write another poem.

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